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TV Audience Targeting Must Reflect the Dynamics 和 Speed of Consumer Behavior


迪斯尼网飞公司 成为最新一家屈服于只能订阅的电视商业模式不可避免的商业现实的提供商, 它会让你思考消费者现在不得不忍受的广告数量,以及这对客户体验和广告效果意味着什么. 

广告支持层, 迪斯尼+ 和 网飞公司 are planning about four minutes of advertising per hour, roughly in line with competitor AVOD services such as, 发现, 孔雀, HBO马克斯. Many other providers (even 迪斯尼-owned Hulu) 和 commercial broadcasters already have ad-loads significantly in excess of this.

实证研究表明,大多数电视观众在理想情况下不希望看到任何广告, although will trade off the access to free, 或者低成本, content in return for consuming ads, 只要他们有 相关性. 然而, we are in a media age where consumers are exposed to up to 1,000 ads per day at multiple touchpoints: home, 工作, 运输, 还有更多. Most of these ads are untargeted or poorly targeted. 在什么情况下,这只会让消费者放弃订阅,或者更糟的是,完全放弃订阅? 

最近的一份报告来自 互联网广告局 (IAB) spelled out bluntly the changes in consumer expectations of advertising. It found that consumers are tired of traditional advertising, especially when it manifests as interruption to digital video consumption. 消费者容忍度的降低和对品牌的更高期望正在影响广告支持的媒体和娱乐品牌的受众构成和规模.

为了更清楚地了解消费者的喜好,你必须获得更多的数据. 挑战在于将观看数据转化为广告商想要的受众属性的复杂性和成本. 因此, 定位可寻址电视广告的需求需要高水平的自动化人工智能, both in development 和 maintenance. That means reducing the manual aspects of the analytical process to a minimum. As well as ensuring high velocity of development 和 adjustment, 它还大大降低了向广告商提供电视行为定位的成本.

Nonetheless, consumer data can be divided into two categories; behavioral 和 stated.

  • 行为数据 是人们做事情的结果:交易、交互、浏览和查看.
  • 表示数据 是从过程中收集的, 比如调查, that collect or monitor humans expressing attitudes, 的观点, 和意见.

然而, 大卫·奥格威曾经说过, “The problem is that people don’t think what they feel, 说出他们的想法, 或者照他们说的做.“这总结了仅仅依赖基于消费者所说的行为的数据来源的问题, as opposed to their actual behavior.

Another factor in data quality not to be overlooked is 近因.  In the case of third-party data, some of it might be more than 12 months old. This has profound implications for the accuracy of targeting.


  • 使用数据科学家或建模师来查看行为属性是昂贵且缓慢的.

It can take some weeks to properly develop reliable 和 accurate attributes that 工作. The more attributes you need, the more time 和 costs are incurred. 当我们推出时 Sky的AdSmart, my data science team successfully developed many useful behavioral attributes, but it took a few weeks to create 和 operationalize each one. When I calculated the headcount cost incurred, it came to tens of thous和s of pounds for every attribute. 

  • 需要不断地监视和维护属性集,以便属性反映查看客户群的动态变化.

If this is not done, the attribute set will ossify 和 produce declining uplifts. Attribute maintenance also takes time 和 costs money.

的确,将观看数据转换为精确的亲和性目标属性是一项挑战, 但是,根据运营商观众的实际行为(而不是外部匹配的数据)为广告商提供定位的机会,使电视运营商能够提供广告商在数字渠道中看重的那种强大的基于第一方数据的定位.

大多数电视运营商现在都坐拥庞大而强大的行为观看数据资产,可以准确地告诉他们的观众对什么感兴趣. 此外, 观看模式本身可以帮助更好地确定家庭观看的构成, 包括年龄, 性别, 人生阶段.

部署的目标变量必须与可寻址电视生态系统的动态相匹配. In effect, attributes must change 和 update as viewer behavior changes. While some behavioral patterns may be slow to shift, therefore demonstrate established viewer habits, 我们也看到很突然, 然而,持续的, 观看行为的转变揭示了潜在的生活方式改变或购买意图. A relatively static set of TV targeting attributes will miss these valuable triggers.

幸运的是, 有一些解决方案可以促进自动化高级分析引擎的快速实现,该引擎可以根据消费者行为的动态创建和更新电视目标属性, like the ThinkAdvertising solution. 为电视操作员或广播者准备的, 它提供了销售广告库存的能力,使用160多个亲和力属性,这些属性来自其实际观众行为,与国际数字观众分类相一致. 最重要的是, 解决方案可以在2-3周内部署(无需等待),然后作为一个自动化的, dynamic 和 cost-effective process.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from ThinkAnalytics. 流媒体 Media accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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